HANGER is a horrifying tale of revenge...beginning with a back-alley abortion and ending with a bloodbath so vicious that it brings a new meaning to "an eye for eye". From pimps to dealers, from hookers and junkies..."Hanger" washes the filth away with their own blood, cleaning the streets and making way for the ultimate showdown of good vs. evil. Diving headfirst into the depths of human depravity, Plotdigger Films plans on turning the world of horror inside out and letting it all hang out to dry! The film is written and directed by Ryan Nicholson (GUTTERBALLS, LIVE FEED) with Dan Walton (BIND) as the producer. HANGER will show itself in 2009.
If you have yet to purchase the GUTTERBALLS DVD I suggest you do so right now. Horror-Fanatics.com even has a quote on the back cover! You gotta get this, it's an awesomely gory horror flick.
Be sure to check out all the blood and gore while HANGER runs at the Philadelphia CineFest!!! The dates of the festival are March 26 - April 5